The Evolution of AI Analytics Assistants for Data Scientists

The advent of AI analytics assistants marked a turning point in the way we approach data analysis. Let's take a closer look in this post.

Pragati Basu

May 19, 2023

AI analytics assistant

The Emergence of AI Analytics Assistants 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer in numerous fields, and data science is no exception. The advent of AI analytics assistants marked a turning point in the way we approach data analysis. These AI analytics assistants started as simple tools, designed to handle repetitive tasks and free up valuable time for data scientists. 

One of the earliest successful AI assistants developed for data scientists is DataRobot. Launched in 2012, DataRobot is an automated machine learning platform designed to help data scientists build and deploy machine-learning models with efficiency and ease.

AI Analytics Assistants: The Evolution from Basic Automation to Advanced Analysis

GitHub Copilot, a groundbreaking AI assistant, made a significant impact when it burst onto the scene, propelling the evolution of AI from basic word- to advanced code-completion. Developed by OpenAI and GitHub, Copilot leveraged LLMs to provide contextually relevant suggestions to developers, auto-completing code snippets and even generating whole functions based on the code it had been trained on. 

This led to a seismic shift in how programming tasks were approached, transforming the notion of AI from a tool for simple, repetitive tasks to a sophisticated assistant capable of complex analysis and problem-solving. By bridging the gap between individual intelligence and the collective human intelligence, Copilot not only augmented the capabilities of individual developers, but also revolutionized the way software was built and maintained. The AI’s capacity to learn from billions of lines of public code and predict what a programmer needs to write next demonstrated a new level of advanced analysis.

Today, these AI assistants are supporting data scientists to accelerate the pace at which they perform advanced analytics. They can comment on code, suggest improvements, and even generate code that processes the data, so you don’t need to remember the syntax for any particular function or even have to think about how to write the code. Basically, you can now write code to crunch data in a fraction of the time it would have otherwise taken.

AI analytics assistant for data scientists

What Does This Evolution Actually Look Like?

Let me explain what I mean from the point of view of a data analyst, using this post as a reference.

GitHub Copilot leverages its immense training on billions of lines of code, and offers code suggestions in real-time, even generating entire functions based on given instructions. For instance, by simply typing a comment such as “calculate body index (BMI)”, Copilot correctly implements the BMI formula in code, demonstrating its vast understanding that extends beyond mere programming.

We also get an understanding of Copilot’s ability to assist in visualizing data. With a simple prompt like “plot all variables” or “get corr”, Copilot is able to suggest and generate code for distribution charts and heat maps. Even when asked to perform more complex tasks such as deciding how to encode categorical variables, Copilot proves its worth by generating highly useful code. Lastly, Copilot’s capacity to analyze relationships between various data points and generate corresponding visualization code is no mean feat – especially using only a single line of code. 

Of course, all of this comes with a pinch of salt – it’s still important to understand the science behind data so that we are able to make sure that CoPilot is performing the correct analysis. But overall it makes a huge difference and makes life a lot easier for data analysts.

Challenges and Solutions in Deploying AI Analytics Assistants

A primary challenge in deploying AI analytics assistants is the need to have sufficient data in place for these advanced tools to analyze and utilize. The varied and often legacy technologies used across different departments in an organization can make it difficult to access and manage data effectively. To overcome this, organizations must invest in a modern data infrastructure that provides the proper data quality and processing capabilities, aligned with existing workflows and processes. This is particularly important for those with long-established systems or those lacking the necessary resources for a comprehensive technological overhaul.

While AI analytics assistants can handle a wide range of tasks, they still require human oversight. Data scientists must supervise these AI systems, even if they possess a lower set of coding skills, as long as they have a solid understanding of data overall. This presents a challenge for organizations needing more expertise in data science. Fortunately, innovative solutions are emerging to address these challenges. Organizations are investing heavily in data infrastructure and data management tools to harness the full potential of AI analytics assistants. At the same time, there is an emphasis on training data scientists to effectively leverage AI systems.

AI Analytics Assistants: Shaping the Future of Data Analysis

The future of AI analytics assistants for data scientists is promising. It’s as if for so long, these AI analytics assistants have been gearing up for a major league game – they’ve been training, evolving, and now they’re ready to perform.

Platforms like DataRobot and are playing the field like pros, providing automated machine-learning platforms that help data scientists whip up predictive models in no time. Data scientists using their offerings have their own personal data wizard conjuring up forecasts of future trends, customer behavior, and other crucial business insights.

Additionally, the field of AI analytics assistants is still young, so we can expect to see even more advances in the coming years. It’s like being on the cusp of a major breakthrough in data analysis.

So, as we wrap up, imagine a future where AI analytics assistants are an integral part of every data scientist’s toolkit. A future where these AI-powered assistants are not just useful tools but indispensable allies, helping us navigate the vast seas of data more effectively and efficiently than ever before. Now that’s a game-changer, don’t you think?

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